Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Avoiding What Was Always So Blatantly Obvious

So I haven't posted anything in a while, and well frankly, I'll just say that I've felt really under appreciated for the past couple of weeks. But before that it was just that I was really busy with finals and all that. But I would've posted right after except for just that one feeling that nobody cares anyway. You know? I'm sure that a lot of people have come to a certain point in their life where they just start to feel like, "What is the point of doing this anymore?"

I mean, for real, the whole reason I started this is because when I started talking to my friend Aurielle about the previous story, it really made a difference in her life and the lives of the people that were around at the time. That was really encouraging. So I felt that the revealing thoughts that I had about life, if shared with the rest of the world might help someone along, cuz I know that I'm like one of maybe a few hundred people in the U.S. that actually thinks deeply and at length about the things that matter in life. But I started to realize, or feel like, "Who is ever going to read this and say, 'Whoa! That just blew my mind out of the frickin water." Am I ever going to have that kind of impact on the world?

That's what I want is, to be the person that allows himself to be the instrument of awakening to the modern world today. And then I started to realize something even better, and this might piss a lot of people off but I'm beyond caring. The MAJOR TRUTH of it all is that, I can not write about life and how to live it. I can not write out my in depth, truth revealing thoughts. And I can not be that instrument without including into every aspect of my life the truth that is.........are you ready for this?..........


And a lot of people will not understand this, but I have been right so far about everything I talked about previously otherwise you would not still be reading. God is, has been, and will continue to be the center of all existence. There is nothing that lives, breaths, shines, swims, walks, runs, grows, laughs, cries, shakes, stands still, sits, flows, sleeps, or even craps, without the Almighty God giving the say so. GOD and only God is the very center of every one's life, and He is all that is important to everyone in the entire world.

The only differences between myself and those of you that will object to this is that I realize this fact and accept it and am in love with it and live my every waking moment and breath in awe of it. Where as you see this and some of you will realize the truth of this fact and run the other way. You do this because you are scared, you may not realize it but you are. You are scared of the fact that your life is not under your own control or that there is a higher power up there and that you haven't done enough in your life to appease it and you're afraid that it maybe to late for you. These are fears not based on truth but based on uncertainty. What you need to understand is that, God made you and brought you into existence, He does not hate and could never hate you and you could never do enough wrong where it would not be forgiven. It just wouldn't make sense, why would the creator hate his own creation? Duh. And this same God that created and loves you is in control of your life and all things involved and He knows what He's doing. He will not let you go through something that He thinks is unnecessary.

Some of you don't even realize this fact of God's importance yet because you don't want to, you've put blinders on your eyes and you only look where you've been taught to, right into those textbooks. Take off the blinders, look around you, the evidence for God is all around you if you don't see it then you are limiting yourself to stupidity. There is more than intelligent design all around you even in the mirror every morning, more than intelligent design, it's unfathomably and infinitely more intricate than we could ever hope to discover or learn about in a thousand lifetimes from now. Just OPEN YOUR EYES.

And the rest of you, I don't know if you'll ever find real meaning in life because you realize how the importance of God in your life and you fight it tooth and nail, down to the bone. And I very much believe that you would do it even until your dying breath. And this saddens me because you will go through life looking for something to live for only to be let down time and time again and if you do not get severely depressed along the way I guarantee that at the end of your life you will be more depressed than anyone cares to think about. Because you will either be the person described previously or you will be the person that pushes everyone away when something fails and ends up telling everyone to f**k off, and by the end of your life I doubt that you will have even 10 people that even care if you're alive or not. Your life will be forgotten eventually. Why? Because you never did anything or lived for anything that had any meaning. And as I've already gone over, ONLY GOD WILL EVER HAVE ANY MEANING AT ALL FOREVER TIMES INFINITY.

So from now on I will be including all of the thoughts that I have about life and I can assure you that most of them will include, if they are not entirely about, The Almighty God. Don't like it? You might as well deal with it now, cuz you're gonna have to one of these days. BAM!!!