Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here We Are At The Beginning

Hey all, I'm not really sure what to put here in my first entry. But I figured I'd start it now, because if I don't start it now I never will. It will become one of those things that you put off till tomorrow, but we all know tomorrow never comes. So here's to not procrastinating.

Why? One of the best questions a person could ever ask. Although it does get annoying coming from a 4 year old. But it's a good place to start when you don't know where to start. So why do I have a blog? Well I've always known that I think way to much. I'm sure you have someone you know who over thinks everything and probably takes things to far that normally people would just leave alone. Yeah that was me, taking things to far, didn't know when the joke was dead, stuff like that. Fortunately I'm less of a weirdo now and a little more socially acceptable, although those of my friends that know me well enough would probably comment that I'm still a big weirdo and that they just want me to think that I'm more acceptable. It's cool you're all weird for being my friends then. :)

But enough of my ADD, I do think things through more than most people I know. I believe that there is a deeper meaning to everything, whether that deeper meaning is relevant to our own lives is the deciding factor. Think what you may about the world and those that live in it, but i refuse to believe that we are all here just to be here. I've seen and experienced to many things to think so simply. I've always known that I was a little more insightful than most people but I've also always been a little to shy to share this with people that didn't ask for it from me.

I recently opened up about an experience I had earlier in my life that changed my way of thinking about everything forever. Thanks to my dear Aurielle, I realized that maybe some of my thoughts might actually inspire other people to take a deeper look at themselves and their own lives. Because honestly, I haven't met a lot of people that are able to think about themselves objectively, much less the world around them. We're all too immersed in our own worlds to think about others. It may not be so much that we're selfish as much as it is that maybe we've had our nose to the grind stone for so long that we forgot that there was a world outside of the one we know. And it doesn't have to be work, it can be whatever. It's about our priorities, some things are just more important at the moment, but then we can forget that priorities fluctuate what's important changes from moment to moment. For instance, when you're driving you're focusing on everything around you, checking mirrors constantly as any good driver would do. Messing with the radio and all that and then you're on the highway and there's a car crash. Suddenly all of your attention is on what's in front of you, so you slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the wreckage. At least that's what most people would do. A more aware driver would look for ways around the wreck rather than relying only on the brakes to save them.

The point is that our focuses in life should change, it's not necessarily bad or good one way or the other what our focus is at the time. When you're at work you should be focused on work, when you're with your family you should be focused on your family. Many of us today fail to switch modes and actually think rather than just acting.

This is what most of my posts will be about. Taking a closer look at life and the decisions that we make in it. You can accept what I say or not, that's fine. If you have another view point, I'm eager to hear it. All that I ask is that there be no arguing, if you come here looking to prove someone wrong or prove that you are right then you are not welcome. This is simply a place for me and anyone else to share thoughts. Pick what I say apart, all of what i say may not apply to you, but hopefully you can take some shred of truth from what I say.

I don't know when I'll be back on, I'm going to try to make this a regular thing, but I'm in college and I'm a little overwhelmed sometimes. So I think I'll try to get on and post something every Thursday or Friday, maybe more frequently if I feel that what I have to say can't wait.

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